in the garden where she dances
feet swirling like snow
are kissed by dusky earth,
tender and suppliant.
waving arms juggle the sun
flashing windmill shadows
across a smile of secret pleasure.
eyes half closed,
the ecstasy of light
a warm lover
of infinite patience and kindness.
her madness of hair
long and elusive
storms like clouds of sand
high above tiny islands
of gay blossoms
in waving seas of spring's green
in the garden where she dances.
in the garden where she dances
rose tipped flesh
shivers with the shy caress of summer cloth,
soft and light as coloured air.
sweet sweat gathers in delicious pools
in the thirsty hollow of her back,
while her perfect perfume
boils wildly in the vale of her hunger
in the garden where she dances.
in the garden where she dances
a cloud bursts into divine prisms
which fall soft as tears
onto her upturned face.
her dress clings in holy abandonment
to her spinning beauty
as tickling tongues of rain
gently lick the dust
from the golden down of her thighs
in the garden where she dances.
in the garden where she dances
the moon like silver footprints
shines in the pools
left by her dancing feet
on the ribbon of dark, musky earth.
drowsy droplets doze gently
like fairy crystals
on the petals and leaves
of the fragrant witnesses
to her splendour,
while she lies quietly in her bed of stories
and dreams the dreams
of a dancer
and the garden where she dances.
Words by Patrick Chappelle 1998
Paintings by Marcio Melo 1998


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